Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Watching television is bad for children.
Use specific details and examples to support your answer.
Television is a technology that began in 1936, and its popularity has since soared. Television sets can be found in every home, whether in developed countries like the United States or developing countries like India. While television has many positive attributes, it can also cause problems with children and their development.
Although television may have first been designed for entertainment and education, it has evolved into a fully automated, ad-driven, and addictive device. Children who watch excessive amounts of television develop unhealthy habits, such as poor sleeping and eating patterns, and excessive viewing of violent content. If a child does not find other activities that he or she enjoys, he or she may turn to television for stimulation. The time spent on television is staggering. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no more than 2 hours per day for young children. Even these limits are exceeded, and many parents allow television to occupy the majority of their child’s free time. Children who watch more than this amount, and who do not have other hobbies, can become even more sedentary. Studies have shown that students who are obese or overweight are at least twice as likely to watch television for four or more hours per day as children who do not spend this much time in front of the screen.
This sedentary lifestyle eventually begins to affect children’s physiology. Studies have found that students who participated in physical education classes had better grades, fewer absences, and were less likely to use drugs than those who did not. These students were also more physically fit and developed a stronger immune system. Students who watch too much television tend to become overweight, have problems with their sleep patterns, and are more likely to develop eyesight problems. Children who do not get sufficient sleep are too tired to concentrate on school work, which can have a negative impact on their performance. Inadequate sleep can also result in behavioral problems, including hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Children who watch excessive amounts of television are also more likely to become aggressive and antisocial. These children are also more likely to have problems with their personal relationships, since television often indoctrinates viewers to believe that violence is an appropriate way to resolve conflicts. Television also lowers a child’s attention span, which can make it more difficult to learn. Addiction to television is also more common among children who watch excessive amounts of it. Children who become addicted to television are unable to control their viewing habits, and are unable to stop watching until the desired program comes on. Television viewing can cause children to become socially isolated, because they spend all of their time in front of the screen, and this can lead to depression or anxiety.
Research has shown that children who watch excessive amounts of television are more likely to engage in risky sexual behavior. These children are also more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol, and to become depressed, especially as they grow older. Watching television can also result in poor eating habits, because children eat more when watching television. A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that nine out of 10 children consumed more calories on an average day than they did on an average school meal. Children who eat too much are at a higher risk of developing childhood obesity, which can increase the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease. Television viewing can become so addictive that a child will deprive himself or herself of food in order to watch it.
Finally, television viewing can be dangerous for children, because it can lead them to become dependent on advertisements. Children who watch excessive amounts of television are more likely to believe that what they see on television is an accurate reflection of reality, and this can lead to unrealistic expectations. This can lead to problems in school, because the children may have difficulty completing work, or fail tests. Children who watch too much television are also likely to become overly influenced by advertisements, and buy expensive products that they do not really need. This is especially dangerous when buying toys, which can be dangerous for young children. Children who become overly dependent on television for stimulation develop poor critical thinking skills, and are unable to cope with the stress of daily life.
Television viewing can have a negative impact on children’s physical, mental, and emotional development. Children who watch excessive amounts of television are more likely to become overweight, and this can increase the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems. Additionally, children who do not exercise regularly are more likely to become obese as adults. Children who watch too much television are also more susceptible to addiction, and may develop poor eating habits and lack critical thinking skills. Television viewing can also have a negative impact on children’s interpersonal relationships, since they are more inclined to become aggressive and antisocial.
Television viewing can also have a negative impact on children’s physical health. Children who watch too much television are more likely to become obese, which puts them at a higher risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems. Furthermore, excessive television viewing can make it difficult for children to sleep, and this can affect their performance in school. Children who do not get sufficient sleep are also more likely to become depressed. Children who watch excessive amounts of television are also more likely to become addicted to it, and this can cause problems in school. Children who become addicted to television are unable to access information that will help them develop critical thinking skills and cope with the stress of daily life.
Children who watch excessive amounts of television are more likely to have behavioral problems, and this can have a negative impact on their academic performance. Furthermore, children who watch too much television are more likely to become addicted to it, and this can lead to other behavioral problems. Watching television can also have a negative impact on children’s interpersonal relationships, since they are more inclined to become aggressive and antisocial. Television viewing can also affect children’s physical health. Children who watch too much television are more likely to become obese, which puts them at a higher risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems.