If you could study a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study, what would you choose?

Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.

(a)’If I were to have an opportunity to study a subject that I have never before studied, I would choose to study the history of war. In our era of unprecedented access to information, there are more opportunities to study subjects than at any other time in history. Therefore, choosing to study a subject for the first time is a more fulfilling experience than studying a subject that you have studied previously.(b) On the other hand, studying a subject that you have studied previously may give you a better understanding of it, since you are already familiar with the concepts involved. (c)’As a society, we place more value on the experience of studying a subject for the first time than on the depth of understanding gained from studying a subject more than once. Therefore, I would choose to study a subject that I have studied before, since I have a better understanding of the subject and a better understanding of myself. Statement (a) contains a portion of a valid argument. Each generation has the opportunity to study subjects never before considered. In the early days of formal education, most students were taught the same subjects year after year. As technology improved, schools began offering new electives, and many schools now offer students many courses from which to choose. However, even with these new developments, most students continue to study the same subjects year after year.

While it is true that students of all ages have more opportunities to study subjects than at any other time in history, this doesn’t mean that they can study a subject for the first time. Students have the opportunity to take freshman English or foreign language courses, for example, but very few ever do so. Unless a student has a specific reason for taking these courses, it is unlikely that he or she will take them. In most cases, students choose courses based on the order in which they are offered. Each year, some courses are more popular than others, and these courses fill quickly. Given the limited number of seats available in most classes, students must select their courses early or risk not enrolling in a class that they want to take. Additionally, some courses have prerequisites, and students must take these courses first. If they do not, they will be unable to enroll in the desired course. Students may not realize that they have prerequisites until they arrive at the college or university, and by that time, their classes may have filled up. Therefore, it is generally not possible to study a subject for the first time.

Students who are older and already in college may have greater opportunities to study subjects for the first time. Students who are majoring in a new field, such as psychology or computer science, have an opportunity to take new courses that they have not previously studied. In this case, the choices that they make can be based on their own personal interests. They may select courses from the fields of psychology, computer science, sociology, or other related disciplines. However, students taking new courses may not have as much exposure as freshmen and sophomores to courses they may have studied previously. They may assume that they know the material or they may assume that they will remember the material. As a result, they may devote less time to the course work. Some instructors may assign the same assignment to all students, regardless of their prior experience. These students may not realize the material’s importance until they are required to turn it in. Unfortunately, they may not have time to study the assignment, or they may forget to do so. As a result, they may be subjected to reduced grades.

In conclusion, statement (a) contains a portion of a valid argument. Students of all ages have more opportunities to study subjects than at any other time in history, but this does not mean that they can study a subject for the first time. Students have to select courses based on the courses that are offered and on their prior experience with the material.
