Imagine that you are preparing for a trip. You plan to be away from your home for a year. In addition to clothing and personal care items, you can take one additional thing. What would you take and why?

Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.

The answer should be the traveler’s journal. The author, a traveler, is preparing for a trip. Traveling away from home for a year is a daunting prospect, but it can be rewarding. The author cites one advantage, which is the ability to take ‘one additional thing. This could easily refer to any personal item, and the author could be referring to a book, a computer, or a camera. However, the author’s personal connection to the journal suggests that she intends to use it as a means of creating a journal, perhaps to store her experiences in. A journal is an invaluable tool to record one’s experiences during travel. Travel can be exhilarating, but can also be frustrating, and a journal is an ideal way to keep these experiences safe for future generations.

The first, and most obvious, reason to take a journal while traveling is that a journal is a useful tool for recording experiences. The journal should be small enough to be easily transported, and should contain at least a blank page or two for each day. The pages could easily become filled with descriptions of interesting people or places visited. A traveler could record facts about the people or places during a conversation, and then later look up the information in his or her own journal. In the journal, a traveler could also write down anecdotes about the people he or she met, and record his or her own impressions. These impressions could be gleaned from the conversation, or from looking a person or place up and down. In this way, a journal can be a tool for recording details about people, places, and events.

The second, and less obvious, reason to take a journal while traveling is that a journal can be an invaluable tool for reminiscence. The traveler’s journal should contain blank pages, so that the user can jot down memories, thoughts, and feelings. One method of doing this is to write a few lines describing what happened, and then record a short description of the person, place, or event that is described. This can help one to integrate these memories into his or her perspective, so that, when returning home, the traveler is able to see his or her travels from a broader perspective. The traveler could, for example, describe the day’s events in terms of the weather, or in terms of what he or she wore. The traveler’s journal could also contain multiple entries describing the same event. For example, a traveler could describe the same sunset during two different trips, and record the time of day, the season, and the weather. These entries would be valuable to the traveler when he or she is preparing to return to the place described in the entry.

The third, and most important, reason to take a journal while traveling is that a journal can be used to document places visited. A traveler should be able to record significant things about each place visited. This information, when compiled, can become a valuable resource for other people. The traveler could, for example, write down the name of the place where he or she stayed, as well as information about its features, such as the menu and breakfast hours. The traveler’s journal can also provide information about the people, places, and events that the traveler experienced. This information could be compiled into a single entry, or each place visited could be described individually. The traveler’s journal could also contain maps that depict the traveler’s route. The traveler could record his or her journey on a map, as well as use the map to plot future routes. A traveler might also use a ruler to measure distances, or draw sketches of buildings. This way, a traveler can record his or her travels in words and pictures, and these entries and pictures will become valuable tools for other people who visit the places described in the journal.

The final reason that the author should choose to keep a journal is that she intends to use it as an irreplaceable memento. The traveler’s journal is something that the traveler will require every day, and something that the traveler will want to keep for the duration of his or her travels. This is because the journal will become a document of memories, and memories are priceless. A traveler could, for example, keep a journal in the hotel room, and, upon returning to the hotel room, reread the entries in the journal, remembering things that had happened in the past. The journal could also be used to recount the traveler’s experiences to other family members, or to record his or her adventures for the traveler’s grandchildren. In this way, the traveler’s journal will become an irreplaceable memento that will hold memories for a lifetime.

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