Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future?
Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
The answer depends on the nature of the money in question.
A person’s income, or earnings, is money a person earns from a job or business. This money might be put into an account or bank, or allocated into any number of investments. It depends, obviously, on the person’s preferences and goals.
Money earned from a job or businesses will normally be spent immediately, but money saved for later use can be invested and then eventually used. A wealthy person might spend his money all at once, but a poor person might instead save a little at a time, with the idea of eventually being able to spend it all on a vacation or lavish purchase. Some economists say that it is better to save for the future rather than enjoy the present. They argue that a person’s enjoyment of money depends more on the means of earning it than the time one saves for spending it.
A person can earn money in a number of ways. One can earn it through a job, either in the form of a salary or a hourly wage. The amount of money a person earns depends on many factors, from how many hours he works each week to the kind of job that he has. An economist might conclude that a person should try to save as much money as he can from his salary or hourly wage, and doing so will allow him to enjoy greater future wealth. However, there is no strict necessity that a person must save. Some people enjoy spending money immediately, and doing so is more related to how much disposable income they have rather than how much money they have earned. A billionaire like Bill Gates or Warren Buffet might blow his entire weekly paycheck on a new car or designer clothes, although that does not mean he does not enjoy his wealth. They enjoy having money and making investments, and they share that enjoyment with many of their fellow billionaires.
Another way that people can earn money is through investments. These might be stocks, bonds, real estate, or any other form of property that can be bought and sold for profit. If a person earns income through investments and spends all of his income, then he has wasted his money and will not have anything to show for it. Most wealthy people, especially those who enjoy spending their money, invest their money wisely. They save their money, rather than spending it, and through investments, they multiply their capital many times over. If Bill Gates spends $1 million on a new home, he has wasted that money, but if he invests $1 million in stocks, he will earn a much larger return than $1 million in interest, and he will have far more wealth in the future than if he had only kept the money; for example, it might be better than $20 million.
It is perhaps true that if a person saves all of his money, he will not have as many riches in the future as if he had invested or spent some of it. However, most people enjoy spending money, and their money is not as easily replaceable as the job that gives them their paycheck. In time, a wealthy person can amass a fortune large enough that he no longer needs to work. He might retire and devote himself to hobbies or community service. In the meantime, he can enjoy his money by investing it wisely, and spending it on his hobbies and charitable projects.