Many people have a close relationship with their pets. These people treat their birds, cats, or other animals as members of their family. In your opinion, are such relationships good? Why or why not?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Pets are often seen as an extension of the family. This view is prevalent throughout the Western world, and many people have strong bonds with their pets. Humans are creatures of habit, and pets are no different. When a new pet enters the home, the owner is immediately drawn to it, often taking it everywhere. Often, the pet is treated like a part of the family. When the owner goes to work, the pet is left with a family member or friend. Sometimes owners even sleep with their pets. Pets, like children, are cared for and nurtured. When something should happen to a loved one, many people choose to bury the pet along with the family member, as if the two were inseparable. While some people may see their pets as family members, others may see them only as possessions or toys. While the bond may be strong, the reasons people form these relationships are often selfish and superficial.

Like human relationships, pets develop their own personalities and relationships with their owners. The pet that sleeps in bed with the owner becomes as familiar to the owner as the human spouse. Some owners even hold their pets like children, scratching them behind their ears or on their bellies, and stroking them whenever they get the chance. Dogs and cats enjoy playing fetch and chasing their toys. Pets, like children, can be taught tricks. Sometimes, a pet can develop a special bond with its owners, such as with a dog that whines when its owner leaves for work. Humans and their pets develop a unique relationship, and it is this bond that makes pets so beloved. However, people, like animals, have personalities that are not always positive. Some pets are known for biting their owners, such as cats or dogs. Others may bite other people in the home. If an owner is bitten and bitten by the same pet, they may develop a bond with the animal that blinds them to the owner’s bad behavior.

While some pet owners treat their pets as family, others see them as possessions. In Western society, parents buy their children a dog or a cat as a pet; sometimes, parents even buy them a parrot. When children reach adulthood, they may no longer want a pet, and so they relinquish it. Pets are often sold at flea markets, garage sales, or other venues, sometimes for very little money. People may buy pets, thinking that they will train them or that they will make ideal show dogs, and then lose interest when the training proves difficult or the dog does not perform as the owner hoped. Some pet owners go to great lengths to provide for their pets’ well-being, such as buying expensive food, toys, and veterinary care, without considering the cost. If a pet becomes sick or dies, some owners may shrug it off and find another pet to replace it. Many owners may also keep their pets in cages or kennels, rather than letting them roam free in the house, or they may allow their pet to defecate in the house, which draws insects and other pests. When pets are kept in cages or kennels, the owners do not develop an emotional attachment to them, and seeing them leads to feelings of irritation and anger. When it comes to pets, some people see them as possessions rather than as family members.

The relationship between people and their pets is unique, but whether it has a positive or a negative influence on their lives depends on the owners. If a pet owner is kind and caring, this love will manifest itself in the actions of the pet. If a pet lives in an environment free from abuse, neglect, and attacks, it may live longer and be healthier. A pet owner who takes care of his or her pet’s health will save money on veterinary care. A pet owner who treats his or her pet with love and compassion will be happier, and a pet that is loved and cared for will be less stressed, thus living a longer, happier life. However, if a pet is kept as a possession rather than as a companion, it will suffer and eventually die a painful death. A stressed pet is more likely to bite or scratch its owner. When a pet is kept in a cage or kennel, it is deprived of exercise and social interaction and, over time, may develop behavioral issues. If a pet lives long enough, it may suffer from arthritis, heart disease, and other ailments that shorten its lifespan. Pets, like children, require love, care, and nurturing, and their owners should make an effort to provide these necessities.

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