People work because they need money to live. What are some other reasons that people work? Discuss one or more of these reasons.

Use specific examples and details to support your answer.

Money is the life-blood of civilization. Without it, we would not be able to survive. Money is the universal medium of exchange, facilitating exchange between those who produce and those who consume goods and services. Money is the measure of economic success. Without money, humans cannot buy the things they want or need to survive. Most people work to earn money. Money is needed to buy food, clothing, and shelter. Money is needed to obtain medical care, education, and, of course, entertainment. Money is necessary to purchase goods and services, including automobiles, homes, and computers. Money enables people to start or expand businesses. Money is the universal medium of exchange. But money is not the only reason why people work. People work for many reasons. Some work because they have to. They may find their jobs so unpleasant that they would rather be unemployed. Others work because they have to. They have children to support. Still others have to. They live paycheck to paycheck and must work long hours just to make ends meet. Money is the universal medium of exchange; however, money is not the universal reason people work.

Humans work because they have to. Many jobs come with unpleasant working conditions and pay less than minimum wage. Some jobs are dangerous, such as coal mining. Others require people to work long hours, such as retail clerks who work every day from 9 to 9. Some jobs pay so little that workers must work two or even three jobs to make ends meet. Money is not the only reason people work, but they must work to survive.

Some people work because they have to. Many people need money to support their families. Some people must work to maintain their standard of living. Some people work because they need the money. Their families depend on them to provide for them. Others must work because they are professionals. They educate themselves. They attend graduate school. They study to become doctors, lawyers, or engineers. They work hard for years. The long hours, the low wages, and the dangerous conditions of some jobs force them to work.

Improved working conditions, better pay, and safer equipment have helped people escape the necessity of work. The Industrial Revolution brought about many changes in industry, including improved working conditions. Factory workers no longer had to toil in dangerous conditions, and factory owners no longer exploited the workforce. Changes in technology also helped people escape the need for employment. People no longer need to work in the fields or in mines. They can work at home, in factories, or in offices, and employers no longer need to hire people.

Improved technology has also created more jobs. Computers, the Internet, and cell phones are revolutionizing the workplace. Texting, surfing, and gaming all require computer skills. The Internet enables people to complete tasks that used to be done only on the job. Social media has made it possible for companies to expand. Employees can work at home, and employers do not need as many employees. Technology has been a boon to employment.

However, technology has not eliminated the need for employment. People still need money to buy the products and services that technology produces. People still need food and clothing. People still need shelter. People still need medical care. People still need education. People still need entertainment. Technology has created new jobs. However, people still need the money to purchase all of the products and services that technology produces.

Money is the life-blood of civilization. Without it, we would not be able to survive. Money enables us to purchase food, clothing, shelter, medical care, entertainment, and education. People work to earn money. Money is not the only reason people work, but without it, people could not survive.
