Some people believe that success in life comes from taking risks or chances. Others believe that success results from careful planning. In your opinion, what does success come from?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Success in life comes from a combination of risks, careful planning, and luck. Success in life generally is the result of hard work and determination. Even the sharpest tools dull without use, and even the most skillful plans can be destroyed without careful execution. Success often comes from doing many things correctly, not just from trying many things. Success often results from doing many things right. (1) Success often comes from doing many things right. (2) Success often comes from taking risks.

Now it is true that without risk there is no reward. Without risk there is no reward. Without risk there is no reward. Without risk there is no reward. Without risk there is no reward. These are the words we heard as children growing up. We were forced to face up to our mortality and understand that death was inevitable. If we did not take risks, we might never receive the rewards we desired. However, too many risks can have a negative effect on our lives. Our parents did not always know best, and as teenagers, we constantly took chances, some of them with serious consequences. We burn ourselves on the smokestacks, we drive drunk, we wander into dark alleys, and we engage in other foolish behavior. Some of us are even alive today because of the risks we took as adolescents. We needed to learn at an early age that life was not about taking risks. It was about balancing risk and reward.

Success also comes from doing many things right. Many successful people recognize the importance of the small details. They pursue excellence. They persevere. They stay committed to their goals. They work well with others. They treat people with respect. They develop strong values and boundaries. They treat everyone equally. These qualities set them apart from others. They cultivate their success.

Many successful people recognize that success does not happen overnight. It comes from a process. They work hard. They study. They attend seminars and workshops. They network. They prepare for opportunities. They do whatever is necessary to succeed. They leave no stone unturned. They know that success is the result of a series of small actions, each building on the previous action. Success does not come from doing many things. It comes from doing many things right.

Success also comes from taking risks. We must take risks if we want to move ahead in life. Some risks are better than others. While there are many risks associated with gambling addiction, the risks associated with not taking risks are far worse. We risk our safety, our financial security, and our friendships. We risk never achieving our goals. We risk never reaching our dreams. We risk not living the life that we want.

We must strike a balance between taking risks and careful planning. We must take some risks. If we never take chances, we limit our potential. If we never take a chance, we cannot fail. If we never fail, we cannot learn. If we never learn, we cannot grow. If we never grow, we cannot succeed.

But we must also plan. We must learn from the past. We must learn from our mistakes. We must learn to plan for the future. We must learn to make our plans work. We must take control. We must do the research and planning and develop strategies. We must set goals. We must monitor our progress. We must analyze our successes and errors. We must chart our course. We must learn to evaluate our performance. We must learn to change course when necessary. We must keep the goal before us at all times. When we do this, we succeed.

We cannot control everything that happens to us. We cannot control what happens around us. We cannot control the expectations that others place on us. We cannot control the decisions of others. We cannot control the consequences of our actions. We can control our responses to these events. We can decide how we will react to them. We can decide how we will live our lives.

We can control our decisions. We can control our actions. We can control our reactions. We can choose whether we will take risks or plan carefully. We can choose whether we will strive to be the best or to settle for mediocrity. We can choose whether we will seize every opportunity for success or will blow it by waiting for the perfect opportunity. We can choose whether we will rely on chance or on careful planning.

We must choose.
