Students at universities often have a choice of places to live. They may choose to live in university dormitories, or they may choose to live in apartments in the community. Compare the advantages of living in university housing with the advantages of living in an apartment in the community. Where would you prefer to live?

Give reasons for your preference.

The first point made about university housing is that it is less expensive. There are many hidden costs to living in university housing. Rents, housing fees, utilities, and meal plans can all add up to a substantial sum. A freshman in the dorms may spend a lot of money on these items, which might not be necessary if a student were to find an apartment in the community. However, there are almost always hidden costs when choosing a place to live. For example, the security deposit to hold an apartment may cost far more than the rent, leaving little money to cover other expenses. A year in the dorms may be sufficient for the freshman to find an apartment in the community. The freshman can then save a substantial amount of money that could have been spent on the rent, and the money saved can be used to pay for college expenses.

The second point made about university housing is that it is safer. While it is true that the dorms are safer than apartments, this may not be true for all students. Many living on campus are from rural areas, and they must commute to the university. Life in a dorm provides these students with an opportunity to meet other students, and this interaction eventually leads to dating and relationships. Students who live in apartments have more time to focus on their studies, and they are less likely to have outside distractions. Although living in a dorm may be safer for some students, for others it is less safe.

The third point made about university housing is that it is more social. Students who live on campus frequently encounter other students, which are incentives for social interaction. The dorms are often full of social activities, from parties to concerts to games. The dorms are also convenient for visitors. Visitors who meet students on campus can drop them off at the dorm, and they can enjoy the company of the students as they walk to class. These interactions lead to friendships that last a long time. Students who live in apartments have less time to socialize, and they must rely on their roommates or visitors for company. A freshman who finds an apartment in a high-crime area may find that living there alone is safer than living in a dorm. Some students are anti-social and enjoy having time alone to study. Others may prefer to spend time alone, reading or working on a hobby. University housing is not a one-size-fits-all situation. Students who wish to socialize or who desire privacy should find an apartment.

The fourth point made about university housing is that it is a better learning environment. Students who live on campus have access to more study space. In many cases, the libraries are open 24 hours a day. Students can work individually or in groups, and they do not have to compete with other students for space. Many classes meet in the student union, and students can attend lectures or seminars. Students who live in apartments do not have access to this learning environment. They may miss class if they have to commute to campus. If the freshman lives far from campus, he may not attend all of the classes that he has registered for. In order to maximize his education, he should consider living in campus housing.

The fifth point made about university housing is that it provides opportunities to meet friends. The dorms are a great place for students to meet other students. Many large universities have freshmen dorms, and students often move in together. Some dorms provide students with meal plans so that they can meet other students while they dine. The dorms are also convenient places for students to visit. Students often host parties, and these parties bring students together. Living on campus provides many opportunities to meet new friends.

The sixth point made about university housing is that it offers more privacy. Many freshmen live with their professors or in a double or twin room. These students are often comfortable with this arrangement. Other freshmen live in apartments, and they are accustomed to having privacy. Some freshmen are concerned about living on their own, and they prefer to live in a dorm. However, other students enjoy living alone, and they would prefer to live in a dorm.

The seventh point made about university housing is that it is easier to get help. If a student lives in an apartment, he can use the phone to request help. However, if he lives in dorms, he cannot call for assistance. If he has a roommate, the roommate may be able to help him. If the roommate is not available, the student must call his RA for help. If the RA is not available, the student must wait for several days. A freshman who prefers to live alone will not be so dependent on others.

If a student is considering attending university, he should carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages to each type of housing. Although university housing is less expensive, the high cost of commuting may make living on campus financially prohibitive. Many universities have apartments in the community, and the rent is often similar to what the freshman would pay in university housing. Some universities even provide financial assistance for students who cannot afford the rent. As the freshman looks over his options, he should carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of each type of housing.
