The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

The speaker of this text asserts that the human mind will always be superior to machines because the human mind is able to think, study, and comprehend. These are some of the many tasks machines are unable to perform; however, I believe this statement is flawed in that it confuses correlation with causation. Humans developed sophisticated machines because the mind was able to engineer them. Precise reasoning is required to develop tools that can bend nature’s laws, and the mind had the necessary ability to conceive of the tools and devise a means to use them. Precise, intricate machinery requires vast amounts of time and energy to design and build, and any machine that does not yield its function quickly or efficiently is useless. Therefore, the human mind does not automatically confer superiority on humans

On the most basic level, a machine is a tool, and any tool can be used for good or bad. On a more metaphysical level, the human brain is hardwired to create and develop tools that are capable of bending nature’s laws. It’s this ability that has given us the ability to write and exchange ideas, spread knowledge, build enduring structures, and develop medicines and technologies. These tools have allowed us to explore and conquer the world, enabling us to travel to distant lands and chart new paths. A machine, in contrast, is only able to replicate the functions it was designed to perform. On the most basic level, a hammer is an instrument of destruction; however, in the hands of a skilled craftsman or architect, a hammer is a creative tool

The human brain is wired to think. The mind is the result of billions of years of evolution, and this evolution has endowed humans with a unique combination of senses, instincts, and emotions. It is our ability to use these faculties in conjunction with the intellect that allows us to make huge strides in technology. The mind is adept at solving problems and overcoming obstacles. The mind is able to imagine, conceptualize, analyze, and synthesize ideas. Machines, on the other hand, are programmed by humans. On the rare occasion that the program is faulty, the results can be catastrophic. When an airliner crashes, it is often found that there was a failure in the programming. It is the human mind, which is constantly shaping and reshaping itself, that gives us the ability to think creatively and imagine solutions to problems. The mind continually strives to evolve, and this increased ability to solve problems and find solutions helps the human mind to outperform the machine

The human brain is constantly learning. We are constantly absorbing new information and using this knowledge to create new ideas, and this learning process is at the heart of the mind’s superiority to a machine. Humans have an innate ability to recognize patterns and learn new languages, skills, and technologies. Machines, by contrast, are programmed to perform specific tasks. They do not have the ability to discover new information or to learn from their own experiences. The human brain’s ability to adapt and evolve is what gives it the ability to think and process information that a machine is not capable of

Machines have the ability to perform tasks that humans cannot. For example, computers are able to process vast amounts of information at incredible speeds. Humans are, by comparison, slow learners. The human brain cannot compare 100 million pieces of information with a mere 11,000. A machine, on the other hand, is able to calculate quickly because each piece of information contained in the data set is analyzed separately. The machine is capable of performing 100 million comparisons in a fraction of a second, whereas the human mind could perform only 1 comparison per second. The machine’s ability to perform complex tasks quickly is what allows it to process information at an unbelievable rate

The skill of the human mind is its ability to overcome the obstacles it encounters. The human mind is able to devise the means to accomplish its goals, and this skill is what has allowed it to develop tools that have allowed us to become the dominant species on the planet. Machines are only able to replicate the functions they were programmed to perform; the human mind is able to combine its skills to create tools that allow us to serve our greater purpose, which is to explore and conquer.
